Helicopters Magazine

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Discovery Air celebrates Aboriginal partnership

June 22, 2010  By Carey Fredericks

June 22, 2010, Yellowknife, NT - Discovery Air Inc. (DA) is pleased to announce the Aboriginal partnerships operated by its Northern subsidiaries Great Slave Helicopters, Air Tindi and Discovery Mining Services have reached a significant milestone in terms of the cumulative revenue earned by all First Nations, Inuit and Metis partners.



Since Great Slave Helicopters’ first joint-venture in 1998 with the K’atlodeeche First Nation
(KFN), of the Hay River Reserve, and the Deh Gah Gotie Dene Band, of Fort Providence, the
cumulative revenue total earned by all Aboriginal partners involved with DA operating units has
now surpassed $14.5 million.

“This is a big day for Discovery Air and it is quite fitting that we make this announcement on
National Aboriginal Day,” said Adam Bembridge, DA Northern Services Group President.
“Working with our Aboriginal partners, the true owners of the Northern lands and resources, has
always been a key part of our business plan and ensuring their success is something we take
very seriously.”

The DA partnership model has been used across its three Northern subsidiaries for years to
ensure local people and communities benefit when development occurs in the NWT or Nunavut.
The vast majority of the company’s Aboriginal joint-ventures were created since 2005.

“We’ve always been proud of our association with Great Slave Helicopters and Discovery Air –
they have helped us to invest wisely in two helicopters thus far,” said KFN Chief Roy Fabian,
President of Denendeh Helicopters. “Looking at $14.5 million they have shared to date, it’s an
amazing total and proves they are a fair partner to work with and one that is committed to
structuring joint-venture deals that work for both sides.”

For all of Discovery Air’s Aboriginal partners, however, their association with the company and
its subsidiaries is about more than just money.

“Our partnerships with Discovery Air and its Northern companies have always been rewarding
thanks largely to the people who stand behind them,” said Bill Lyall, President of Nunavut
Expediting and Kitikmeot Helicopters. “They are people you can always trust to deliver on the
promises they make.”

To help mark the occasion and celebrate National Aboriginal Day Denendeh Helicopters, the
company’s longest running Aboriginal partnership, helped sponsor a traditional handgames
tournament at the Dehcho First Nations Annual Assembly, which is this year being hosted by
the KFN.


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