Helicopters Magazine

Lockheed Martin selects Dedicated Computing for top award

November 17, 2017  By Dedicated Computing

Each year, Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) nominates and selects partners that consistently provide outstanding support and products. This year, it has selected Dedicated Computing to receive its RMS Small Business Award at a ceremony in Orlando, FL. Lockheed Martin contracts for goods and services with thousands of suppliers each year, but honours only a select few for their outstanding quality and performance.

Dedicated Computing earned this recognition by designing, manufacturing, and delivering a large quantity of complex image-rendering computers to 30 different RMS customer training facilities—all on a tight schedule. “Managing a deployment on this scale requires a great deal of planning, communication, and execution,” said Don Schlidt, President and CEO at Dedicated Computing. “Our sales, engineering, and operations teams worked together to deliver on schedule and with excellent quality,” he explains.

Rotary and Mission Systems does business in nearly 100 countries. “Today, we’re celebrating the outstanding goods and services our suppliers provide to Lockheed Martin,” said Phil Goslin, vice president of global supply chain at Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems. “By partnering with a diverse base of these quality suppliers, we are better able to develop innovative solutions to the critical challenges of our customers.”


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