Helicopters Magazine

North Shore Rescue adds infrared helicopter camera

January 6, 2016  By The Province

North Shore Res­cue has com­plet­ed test­ing of a new heat-seek­ing cam­era that will help track and save the lives of folks gone mis­sing.

Ear­li­er this year, Port Metro Van­cou­ver do­nat­ed the cam­era to NSR and Talon Heli­cop­ters. The cam­era, a SeaFlir II-C sta­bi­lized im­aging sys­tem which uses for­ward-looking infra­red therm­om­eter (FLIR) tech­nol­ogy, is de­signed to lo­cate the heat of an ob­ject or per­son, ac­cord­ing to a post Sat­ur­day to the vol­un­teer search and res­cue team’s website.

“This life-sav­ing equip­ment will as­sist SAR crews in lo­cat­ing sub­jects in dif­fi­cult ter­rain, or where dir­ect line of sight is im­paired by tree can­opy, shad­ow, or dark­ness,” said the post by NSR’s Curtis Jones. | READ MORE


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