Helicopters Magazine

Helicopter-led Stardust survey completed in BC

July 19, 2018  By Helicopters Staff

Sun Metals Corp. completed a 1,103 km helicopter-borne Versatile Time Domain Electro Magnetic (VTEM) and Magnetic Geophysical Survey at the Stardust project in north-central British Columbia. VTEM surveys, explains Sun Metals, are recognized as a successful methodology for exploration in other Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) systems around the globe.

An AStar B3 helicopter in July 2018 completing the VTEM and Magnetic Geophysical Survey at the Stardust Project. (Photo CNW Group/Sun Metals)

The company explains this survey improves upon previous generations of geophysics by providing full project coverage with detailed results over the full survey area. Sun Metals also points to its new results with improved resolution, whereby 100-metre line spacing design improves on the historic magnetic survey flown on 250-metre line spacing. The helicopter-led survey also featured advancements in instrument sensitivity, data acquisition and processing.

Sun Metals states the VTEM and Magnetic survey results will support and aid in refining design of the upcoming 15,000-metre diamond drilling program. It will target expansion of known high-grade resources and exploration for new zones. Drilling is expected to start at the beginning of August 2018.

To facilitate the close line spacing, low ground clearance of 70 metres and minimize deviation from planned flight lines, an AStar B3 helicopter was used to carry both instruments in the survey. Preliminary data delivery to Sun Metals has started, allowing post-processing to begin.      

Sun Metals is engaged in a 2018 Stardust field program that includes: Airborne VTEM and Magnetics survey, mapping and prospecting; soil sampling, selective relogging and resampling of 80,000 metres of existing drill core, and the aforementioned 15,000 metre diamond drilling program.

Located in north-central British Columbia, Stardust is a polymetallic Carbonate Replacement Deposit with a rich history. The Canyon Creek copper-gold skarn zone at Stardust was the subject of a 2018, 43-101 compliant resource estimate published by Sun Metals in January 2018.


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