Helicopters Magazine

WinAirWeb Reliability Version 3.1

July 7, 2009  By Administrator

avbaseJuly 7, 2009 – AV-BASE Systems, a leader in Aviation Management Software has been developing and supporting structurally integrated, cost-efficient maintenance and inventory control systems for over 20 years.


July 7, 2009, London, Ont. – AV-BASE Systems, a leader in Aviation Management Software has been developing and supporting structurally integrated, cost-efficient maintenance and inventory control systems for over 20 years. AV-BASE Systems is pleased to announce the latest version of its WinAirWeb Reliability software. WinAirWeb Reliability is a browser-based system that allows users access to their data set from any computer within their operation.

It has been helping customers with Safety Management Systems (SMS), maintenance program efficiencies, maintenance program escalation, dispatch reliability, consequence analysis and regulatory reporting. WinAirWeb Reliability records and analyzes the condition of aircraft components and systems making it significantly easier to identify safety risks and potential problems before they become serious issues.

As well as enhancing the safety of flight operations, WinAirWeb Reliability also significantly optimizes maintenance costs and traceability. In 2010, Safety Management Systems (SMS) will become an International Standard requirement.

The new release of WinAirWeb Reliability 3.1 has numerous updates that focus on report enhancements, component details and simplified Reliability review processes.

The new version offers:

  • Simplified Drill Down access to report data
  • Efficient review process for Tasks and Part Dispositions
  • New ‘Review Deadlines’ so Cases and Issues can be filtered by date
  • Easy access to important documents related to Issues
  • Enhanced accessibility values
  • Improved Source Discovery with traceability to parent Work Orders and Tasks to see where problems originated.
  • Rapidly find Consequence data based upon Issues

Contact AV-BASE Systems at sales@av-basesystems.com for more information on WinAirWeb Reliability 3.1.0.


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