DART’s PA100 PUREair system gets STC for AS350, EC130
June 19, 2014 By Carey Fredericks
June 19, 2014, Hawkesbury, Ont. - Transport Canada has awarded DART Aerospace a supplemental type certificate (STC) for the PA100 PUREair system for the AS350 and EC130 helicopters. Operators can now install the PA100 PUREair system in markets where the TCCA approval is recognized.
The PA100 PUREair System, co-developed by Pall Aerospace and DART Aerospace, is a totally redesigned, reengineered, and retested engine air protection system that takes the capabilities of its EAPS predecessors to the next level. Featuring Pall’s latest PUREair technology, the new system is self-cleaning and virtually maintenance-free, unlike other filtration systems qualified for this aircraft. The PA100 PUREair system also provides a 2 percent gain in engine power vs. conventional inlet barrier filters and provides equivalent level of engine protection.
Many operators have already expressed their interest in installing the PA100 system realizing its benefits over oil wetted barrier filters. The reduced maintenance burden and constant protection for engines is critical to safe, reliable and cost-effective helicopter operations.
DART and Pall will now seek FAA and EASA STC approvals as well as additional foreign approvals from countries such as Brazil and Russia.