Rogue UAV flight Near YVR sparks outrage
April 23, 2014 By The Vancouver Sun
April 23, 2014, VANCOUVER - Transport Canada and the RCMP are investigating videos posted on YouTube showing an "unmanned air vehicle" flying near Vancouver International Airport and over Vancouver Harbour, the site of commercial floatplane operations.
April 23, 2014, VANCOUVER – Transport Canada and the RCMP are investigating videos posted on YouTube showing an "unmanned air vehicle" flying near Vancouver International Airport and over Vancouver Harbour, the site of commercial floatplane operations.
Transport Canada spokesman Rod Nelson said Tuesday the federal department is "very concerned about the operations of this UAV and we have been working with the RMCP to determine the operator's identity."
Earlier Tuesday, The Vancouver Sun posted a video showing a UAV photographing a commercial passenger jet on arrival at the north runway at Vancouver International Airport. Someone identified as "Quadrotor Dragonfly" uploaded the 41-second video on Nov. 4, 2013, writing: "I am hooked on multirotors. I have been building multirotors for aerial filming and also autonomous flights. With this channel, I endeavour to share my adventures." | READ MORE