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Discovery names Brian Semkowski interim president/CEO

June 21, 2012  By Carey Fredericks

June 21, 2012, Yellowknife, N.W.T. -Specialty aviation company Discovery Air Inc. has named Brian Semkowski as its interim president and chief executive officer.

June 21, 2012, Yellowknife, N.W.T. -Specialty aviation company Discovery Air Inc. has named Brian Semkowski as its interim president and chief executive officer.

The company says Semkowski will take over from David Jennings, who is stepping down after having headed the company since 2008.

As a result of the changes, Semkowski has resigned his post as a director and Jennings has joined the board, the company said in a news release.

In addition to being a member of the board, Jennings will also serve as a strategic advisor to Discovery Air.

"Dave's insights and deep relationships in our industry will be invaluable as we embark on this next phase of Discovery Air's
development,'' said Bennett, who will hold the top post until a permanent replacement for Jennings is found.

News of the change in the executive suite came less than a week after Discovery reported that it had returned to the black in its
fiscal 2013 first quarter in which it also reported a 42 per cent increase in revenue.

Discovery said it earned just under $1.4 million or nine cents per share in the three months ended April 30, reversing a year-earlier loss of almost $2.6 million or 19 cents per share.

Revenue was $52.9 million, up from $37.2 million, bolstered by a couple of recent acquisitions.

Discovery, with some 850 employees and more than 150 helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, provides airborne training to the Canadian military as well as airborne fire services, air charter services and logistics support along with a range of maintenance, engineering and certification services.

The company says Semkowski will take over from David Jennings, who is stepping down after having headed the company since 2008.

As a result of the changes, Semkowski has resigned his post as a director and Jennings has joined the board, the company said in a news release.

In addition to being a member of the board, Jennings will also serve as a strategic advisor to Discovery Air.

"Dave's insights and deep relationships in our industry will be invaluable as we embark on this next phase of Discovery Air's
development,'' said Bennett, who will hold the top post until a permanent replacement for Jennings is found.


News of the change in the executive suite came less than a week after Discovery reported that it had returned to the black in its
fiscal 2013 first quarter in which it also reported a 42 per cent increase in revenue.

Discovery said it earned just under $1.4 million or nine cents per share in the three months ended April 30, reversing a year-earlier loss of almost $2.6 million or 19 cents per share.

Revenue was $52.9 million, up from $37.2 million, bolstered by a couple of recent acquisitions.

Discovery, with some 850 employees and more than 150 helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, provides airborne training to the Canadian military as well as airborne fire services, air charter services and logistics support along with a range of maintenance, engineering and certification services.


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