Helicopters Magazine

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Transport Canada certifies the Turbomeca Arrius 2B2

March 12, 2008  By

March 12, 2008 - Turbomeca has just received type certification from Transport Canada for its Arrius 2B2 engine.

arrius2b2March 12, 2008 – Turbomeca has just received type certification from Transport Canada for its Arrius 2B2 engine. The Arrius 2B2 powers the next-generation light twin EC135 from Eurocopter.

The Arrius 2B2 represents the latest generation of the successful Arrius family which, with over 2,000 engines delivered, has accumulated over three million flight hours. The Arrius 2B2 delivers 40% more power than the first version of the family. It allows take-off weight to be increased to 2,860 kg in category A for temperatures above 20°C (sea level), to 2,910 category A ISA conditions, and has a contingency OEI (One Engine Inoperative) 30-second rating of 610 kW (818 shp).

The Arrius 2B2 has a TBO of 3,500 hours. For optimal maintainability, it features two field replaceable modules and has over 20 deep maintenance tasks approved including replacement of rotating components. Of interest to North American operators, Turbomeca has invested heavily to give them proximity support with full maintenance, deep maintenance and overhaul capability on the continent.

With over 700 engines delivered to 140 customers in 36 countries, the Arrius 2B is the
leader in powering the Eurocopter EC135 light twin. This success is due in large part to its
reliability in very demanding operations such as on-scene EMS. One such operator in the
USA has achieved an exceptional reliability with only two unscheduled removals in over
63,000 hours of operations.


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