Tenth Bell 429 Delivered to the Philippines
February 23, 2022 By Helicopters Staff
Bell Textron delivered the 10th Bell 429 to a corporate customer in the Philippines. Earlier this year, the Bell 429 marked a milestone by surpassing 500,000 global fleet hours.
Bell points to advanced capabilities of the 429 as including single pilot IFR, Category A operations and an integrated avionics glass cockpit, designed to provide a combination of flexibility, safety, and durability.
The Bell 429, explains the company, can complete a range of missions, including search and rescue, medical evacuations, natural disaster relief, national security and military training. Along with the newest Bell 429 in the Philippines, there are currently more than 400 Bell 429 aircraft in the worldwide fleet serving a ranger of customers.
The Bell 429 program was largely developed by Bell Textron Canada’s operation in Mirabel, Quebec, where its first prototype flew in February 2007 after teaming up with powerplant provider Pratt & Whitney Canada. The helicopter platform first received Type Certification from Transport Canada Civil Aviation in July 2009, quickly followed by U.S. clearance.